
Improving Your Hearing Is a Two-Way Street

Posted by Living Sounds

Are you serious about wanting to hear better? If so, it’s time to get rid of the old excuses. Take those hearing aids out of the drawer and take a leap of faith that there really are professionals who are willing and able to help you hear better. In the 12 years that I’ve worked for Living Sounds Hearing Centre, one of the saddest things I hear is that clients gave up trying to make their hearing aids work for themselves. We hear it all the time, from family members and friends who care about these individuals. We know it’s frustrating when our loved ones cannot hear any conversations when we’re trying to communicate with them.

Sometimes it is just a matter of picking up the phone and making an appointment to make the adjustments that are needed. It’s best to not get caught up in other people’s experiences or excuses. Just come into one of our 23 locations and let one of our professional practitioners take care of you.

Remember it is a two-way street. If you’re struggling with your hearing, you need to give as much information to the practitioners as you can about the situations that you struggle with before they can make the proper adjustments.

If more people were willing to take the time to do this, there would be a lot more success stories. It would also help break the stigma of wearing hearing aids and create a spirit of thankfulness that hearing aids were created to help you hear better, the same way glasses help you see better. I think if your glasses were not working properly, you would call for an appointment.

Take a chance on us here at Living Sounds Hearing Centre. We’re sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the great service and caring attitude you’ll receive. Book your appointment by calling 1-833-559-4327. Or book your appointment online.

Karen Kreklywich
Client Care Representative

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