
Technological Wonder

Posted by Living Sounds

We held our first Passport to Hearing Discovery Show last November and the experience left us humbled. Our staff and suppliers proudly came out to help increase knowledge about hearing loss and acceptance of its treatment.

We were overwhelmed by the positive response to the event and we’ll be planning another in the future, but in the meantime, I thought I’d share this great email we received from the Grand Prize winner:

January 17, 2013

My name is June Henthorne and I was the winner of 3 Series hearing aids and the Surflink. I have had them for almost a month and can’t tell you how much of a difference they’ve made in my life. I love wearing them because I don’t experience the background noise I used to hear with my old hearing aids. From the moment I put them on in the morning until the time I take them out at night, I don’t realize I have them on or that I even have a hearing loss. They are so comfortable, and I hear like a normal person, that I have to remind myself to take them out at night. I think it is great to be able to control the volume via remote and use my hearing aids as a Bluetooth with my iPhone. I can even listen to music through my hearing aids, and use the Surflink in a group environment so I can hear the whole discussion. Wonderful!!!

I am so pleased with them and feel blessed that I have the opportunity to wear such technological wonders. For those who have to use hearing aids, these are great! For those who don’t have a hearing loss, feel truly blessed with what you have. If you know someone who has a hearing loss, educate yourself on what it is and what people deal with on a daily basis when trying to cope with the hearing world. This will give you a greater sense of how to communicate with them and be more understanding.

I have talked with anyone who will listen about these hearing aids. I feel more comfortable living and hearing in the world today. You have no idea how much these little hearing devices have enhanced my hearing life…I am so much more confident!

Thank u!

~ June

Tim Goshulak BC-HIS

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